Do We Need Vitamins & Supplements? Hear it from this Online Pharmacy in Cork!

The urgency with an intake of medicines is most felt when one is suffering from an ailment. There is no wonder why multi-vitamin tablets and supplements accumulate dust in one corner! It’s human nature, and no one is to blame. However, after everything that the world witnessed as the pandemic struck and suffered at the hands of a deadly virus, people must attempt to become their best versions. We have reached a stage where we have realised that nothing is more important than health. From standing in queues ordering online from a pharmacy in Cork, a lot has changed ever since Covid-19 hit. And so has the importance of vitamin- and supplement-intake. The question is do we need it as much as before or more than ever? Let’s find out from the blog post today.

Starting with a brief recapitulation of multi-vitamins: -

Understanding Multi-Vitamin

It’s a concoction of essential vitamins and minerals, enclosed in either capsules or tablets and even available in liquid form. The human body needs them to function properly. Of the 13 most important vitamins and 16 vital minerals, those crucial for growth, regulation, reproduction, and miscellaneous other bodily processes are vitamin A, C, K, D, calcium and iron.

Function of Multi-Vitamins

The human body, as we all know, needs certain vitamins in requisite proportions. Let’s check a few of them and the way they benefit you.

Ø  Vitamin A - Improves skin health and builds up the body’s defence system to fight off infections and illnesses.

Ø  Vitamin C - Augments healing of wounds by maintaining skin, cartilage, bones and blood vessels in good condition.

Ø  Vitamin D - The secret behind strong bones, healthy muscles and white teeth.

Ø   Vitamin K - Much like vitamin C, it helps in the healing of wounds. To some extent, it also contributes to bone health.

Who Needs Vitamins & Supplements the Most?

Although almost every person requires a daily dose of multi-vitamin, especially the ones lacking a balanced diet, too much of it can be detrimental to the body. Therefore, always take medical advice from your family doctor or pharmacist whenever starting to take them. Few groups need multi-vitamins more than anyone else. Let’s check them out!

v  Vegans or vegetarians - A plant-based diet often lacks vitamin B12, calcium, vitamin D, zinc, iron and omega-3 fatty acids. That is when you need a supplement of the same composition.

v  Pregnant women - Have you heard of folic acid supplements before? It’s exactly what you need if you are trying for a baby or until you turn 12 weeks pregnant. The same is said to wipe out neural tube birth defects. Similarly, try to avoid vitamin A as its intake can cause birth defects in your child.

v  Elderly people - Senior citizens need vitamin B12, vitamin D and calcium the most to meet their bodily needs and strengthen bones. The urgency is most felt in September and March because the weather fails to generate them.

The good news is that you can buy online medicine (vitamins & supplements) without stepping out in the sun now. Thanks to online pharmacies!

Wrapping up:

In the end, all we can say is that supplements are unnecessary if you are having a balanced diet, eating loads of liver, cod liver oil, yellow bell peppers, shellfish and kale. However, given the current lifestyle, where meeting work deadlines is more important than the intake of nutritious food, supplements and vitamins must be a crucial part of your routine. You need them more than before to boost your immunity and fight off common conditions. However, don’t forget to consult a pharmacist or general physician for your safety.
